County to acquire dozer, excavator
Published 4:44 pm Friday, January 19, 2018
The Harlan Fiscal Court approved the purchase of a dozer and an excavator through an RTP (Recreational Trails Program) grant during a meeting on Tuesday.
Harlan County Judge-Executive Dan Mosley advised the court there is a requirement attached to the grant.
“There is a buy American provision; the equipment has to be made in America,” Mosley explained.
Mosley called on Deputy Judge-Executive Colby Goss to bring the magistrates up to speed.
“The dozer is okay, it’s made in America,” Goss said. “The excavator that we wanted…is made in Japan.”
Goss said there is a made in America excavator available, but it may not work as well for the job.
According to Goss, the program manager with the Federal Highway Administration advised the purchase of an excavator not made in America would not likely be approved.
“In other words, we don’t have a choice,” Magistrate David Kennedy said.
Goss pointed out the grant expires in April.
“It sounds like if we applied for a waiver, in the time it would take to get the waiver approved we may lose the funds,” Mosley said. “So, we can take what we know they’ll approve, or we can chance it and we may lose the whole deal. It would be my recommendation that we go ahead and take what we know will get approved and go ahead and get the dozer and this excavator that’s going to be paid for with grant money and move on.”
A motion was made to accept the bid on the Meade 450 J dozer and the bid on the 130 G excavator.
“Reflect in that (motion) both pieces of equipment are made in America,” Mosley stated.
The motion passed with no opposition.
In other court activity:
• A resolution adopting and approving the execution of a rural secondary program agreement between the Harlan Fiscal Court and the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Department of Rural and Municipal Aid was approved;
• An agreement between Harlan County and the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet to replace a bridge was approved;
• A resolution for the Harlan Fiscal Court to enter into and file a renewal application to the Kentucky Department of Local Government for the Cumberland Hope Community Project Program Funds in the amount of $200,000 was approved;
• Marilyn Unthank was appointed to the Harlan County Public Library Board of Trustees to fill the unexpired term of Charles Bianchi. The term expires Dec. 31, 2019;
• Ralph Turner was reappointed to the Black Mountain Utility District Board of Directors for a four-year term;
• Permission was granted to advertise for diesel and gasoline fuel;
• Permission was granted to advertise for bids for the Woodard Branch water line extension project.