Stop smoking program

Published 10:37 am Monday, April 16, 2018

Folks looking for help stopping smoking have an option available for the next few weeks at the Harvest Worship Family Life Center, as Kentucky Homeplace and Mountain Air Project offer the Cooper/Clayton Method to Stop Smoking Program.

“Kentucky Home Place is a grant-funded program through the University of Kentucky,” Community Home Place Health Worker Darla Shepherd explained. “We’ve been around Harlan County for 20 years.”

The program is hosted at the Harvest Worship Family Life Center at 112 N. Main Street in Harlan at 5 p.m. on Thursday.

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Shepherd explained the program is open to all.

“We want 2018 to be the year everybody stops smoking,” she said. “We’re offering a free class, the Cooper/Clayton Method to Stop Smoking.”

She said the program will provide Nicoderm CQ patches free of charge to participants.

Shepherd pointed out while the class started last week, the program is still open for those who wish to participate.

“You can show up on Thursday at 5 p.m. and we’ll get you signed up,” Shepherd said.

She explained late comers will still get the complete program.

“Their 12 weeks will be extended a little longer,” Shepherd said.

Shepherd said they will accept new people as last as the third class.

“We will still take new people,” Shepherd said. “We will not turn anybody away.”

According to Shepherd, the Cooper/Clayton Method has proven to be successful for many people.

“This is a method that really works,” Shepherd said. “Everything is free, all you have to do is show up and want to quit smoking.”

The program will be presented by an experienced instructor, Shepherd said.

“The class is going to basically be like a support group,” Shepherd said. “I’ve had a lot of feedback on Facebook, and everybody that’s seen it says they know it works. I think if someone really wants to quit smoking, we’ll be able to help them.”

For more information, call Darla Shepherd at 606-574-0239 or Nell Fields at 606-633-3339.