County recognized baseball team

Published 12:37 pm Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Harlan Fiscal Court recognized the Tri-City Junior League All-Star baseball team during a meeting on Tuesday, issuing a proclamation in their honor.

Harlan County Judge-Executive Dan Mosley read the proclamation to the court.

According to the proclamation, the Tri-City All-Stars, ages 13 to 14 years old, consists of players from both the Tri-City and Harlan leagues. The team remained undefeated against other league teams and won the state championship by defeating Richmond in a double-header — winning the second game by a score of 8-4. The team will now travel to Fort Wayne, Indiana to compete in the regional tournament.

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Mosley presented all team members and coaches with a copy of the proclamation.

Mosley mentioned the team will play Michigan on Aug. 4.

“Go on up to Indiana to play and represent us,” Mosley told the team. “I know you’ll make us proud, as you have already with your accomplishments at the state level. Congratulations.”

Mosley pointed out the team has to travel.

“As we all know, that costs a little money,” Mosley said. “Magistrates and others in the audience — I’m going to throw $100 in the pot — if you all can help with some traveling expenses it would be greatly appreciated.”

Magistrate David Kennedy spoke to the team before they exited the meeting.

“I’d like to say something before you all leave,” Kennedy said. “The reflection that you all have put upon this county is fantastic, and we appreciate what you all have done. We appreciate the effort you’ve put in. We’re very proud of you. You’re building a legacy one year at a time. Whether you realize it or not, these other teams know who you are because of your accomplishments. I thank each of you, including the coaches and support people.”

In other court activity:

• A line of credit at Monticello Banking Company for Black Mountain Utility District was renewed;

• The Harlan County Sheriff’s Quarterly Report was approved;

• A grant agreement for the Cumberland Hope Community Center was approved.