Letter to the Editor: Keep up the good work

Published 12:40 am Friday, September 7, 2018

I’m a 60-year visitor to Harlan. I always thought it was beautiful and peaceful, but over the years to see it decline has made me sad.

My last visit I was surprised to see someone is taking pride in where he lives and is trying to clean it up. I understand that person is Sheb Wilson. I would like to tell him I think he is doing a great job and to keep it up.

I hope the people of Harlan commend him for his effort. I also hope this letter will inspire others to help. By helping I mean stop throwing your cans, bottles, fast food containers and diapers on the side of the road. Take a look at your own yards, see if you could improve them.

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There is an old Indian saying: We didn’t inherit this land from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children. I’ve always taught my children when you borrow, give back in better shape.

Sheb, keep up the good work, and, Sheb, give your crew a big thank you for me. I know you are making God smile because you are making me smile too.

Donna Collins

Belleville, Michigan