Local retired teachers meet

Published 2:45 pm Monday, April 9, 2018

The Harlan Area Retired Teachers Association met at the Extension Depot for their February meeting.

Evarts Elementary School Librarian Rachel Huff invited members to attend Dr. Seuss Day to read to students. Huff also requested the association’s help in the Striving Readers Comprehensive Literary grant of which they heartily volunteered to do anything they could to help. If the grant is awarded it will benefit all eight elementary schools.

The association made donations to the Evarts Elementary School library, and the Kimbler-Bourgard Foundation of the Kentucky Retired Teachers Association in the memory of Dr. Bob Wagoner.

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Members enjoyed a potluck meal and door prizes were won by Mary Wilder, Mary Simpson and Carol Flanagan. Attending were Polly McLain, Carol Flanagan, Wallace Napier, George Ann Lovely, Charlie Lovely, Kim Kelley, Connie Brock, Mary Wilder, Wanda Witt, Patsy B. Howard, Connie J. Davis, Mary Simpson, Mary Lynn Pace, Karen Alred and Rachel Huff.

The next meeting is scheduled April 10 at 1 p.m. in the library of Evarts Elementary School.