County may shop health insurance

Published 10:42 am Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Harlan County Fiscal Court heard an update on health insurance costs for county employees during a recent meeting, learning the current provider’s rates were expected to increase approximately 28 percent.

Harlan County Judge-Executive Dan Mosley explained the development to the magistrates.

“We currently have Anthem health insurance,” Mosley said. “Two years ago we switched from United Health Care to Anthem to save a little money. Last year at renewal time, they said it was a zero percent increase. They’ve now called us and told us to expect a 28 percent increase. That’s unfathomable. So, we’ve indicated to them we will be very likely to shop that.”

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Mosley said a meeting to look at other options had been scheduled.

“That’s where we’re at,” Mosley said. “I’ll report back to you when I know more.”

No action was taken at this time.

In other court activity:

• An agreement between the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and the Harlan County Detention Center for roadside inmate work crews was approved;

• A planned equipment maintenance agreement with Cummins Inc. for a courthouse generator in the amount of $1,835.25 was approved;

• An agreement between the Harlan County Fiscal Court and Cumberland River Behavioral Health, Inc. relating to the Cumberland Hope Community grant was approved;

• A resolution relating to Harlan Fiscal Court and Cumberland Hope Community for residential anti-displacement and relocation assistance plan under Section 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, for grant number 16-046 was approved;

• Dallas Gilbert was reappointed to the Harlan County Outdoor Recreation Board; and

• Advertising for road and bridge materials, ready mic concrete, metal culvert tile, steel rebar and galvanized coated gabion baskets was approved.