100 Man March

Published 9:47 am Thursday, April 26, 2018

The 10th annual Harlan County 100 Man March against Domestic Violence took place on Saturday, organized by the Harlan County Domestic Violence Council and Cumberland Valley Domestic Violence Services.

“We’ve chosen to coincide it this year with Sexual Assault Awareness Month, which is April,” Harlan County Domestic Violence Victim’s Advocate Sheryl Caudel said.

According to a press release, the 100 Man March was held to highlight the need to combine respect and safety with romance and love. We want to talk about what we must stop — sexual assault and domestic violence — and promote what we must have — respect and safety. By participating in the March, walkers and supporters publicly proclaimed their commitment to ending violence against women.

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“We had a really good turnout, about 135 people,” Caudel said. “We were very, very pleased with the event.”

On a break from Krypto Con (Krypto Con is a separate event which was taking place at the same time at another location), Bigfoot stopped by to show his support.

“Bigfoot was over at Krypto Con,” Caudel said. “We decided we were just going to go over and ask Bigfoot if he wanted to come and support us.”

Bigfoot agreed, and lent his support by assisting with leading the March, Caudel said.

Before leading the walk, Harlan District Court Judge Scott Lisenbee led participants in an appropriate pledge.

“From this day forward, I promise never to commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women, sexual assault and domestic violence,” Lisenbee said.

According to Caudel, change can begin with simple steps.

“Change can start with a step as simple as participating in the March,” Caudel said. “It’s a public step that is visible to everyone. It sends a clear message about what we tolerate and what we promote in terms of equality and human rights, today, we are celebrating positive masculinity.”

If you or someone you love is in a violent relationship, help is available, call Cumberland Valley Domestic Violence Services 24-hour crisis line 800-755-5348, or call Sheryl Caudel, Harlan County domestic violence victim advocate at 606-392-1129.