City awaits new fire truck

Published 12:10 pm Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Harlan City Council heard an update concerning a new fire truck during a meeting on Monday.

Mayor Danny Howard called on Harlan City Fire Chief Linette Hutchison for her report. During her report, Hutchison updated the council on the new truck the city has been waiting for.

“(Assistant Fire Chief) James Billings and I are going up to Wisconsin on June 25,” Hutchison said. “We’re going up there for the final inspection of the truck.”

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Hutchison mentioned the factory where the truck is being prepared will be closed for two weeks during July.

“They’re going to try to get the truck on the road as soon as we leave,” Hutchison said. “When it gets here, it won’t have all the stuff on it. We will still have to go through a lot of training, but it will be here I’m hoping at the end of June.”

Howard told the panel about some of the extra equipment Hutchison had requested be installed on the truck.

“One of the extras is a larger water line going up the ladder itself,” Howard said. “The reason for that is the high rise and the hospital. We hope they never need it, but Chief Hutchison had asked for that.”

Howard also updated the council on the status of another of the city’s trucks which had previously served as a garbage truck.

“This truck was the old garbage truck that we put a flatbed on,” Howard said. “The chassis itself was a good chassis, so we took the garbage packer off of it. We had checked to see if we could buy another packer, and it turned out we could buy another truck cheaper.”

Howard said the packer was scrapped and a flatbed was acquired and installed. He explained a hoist will be attached to the flatbed to be used to lift the city’s heavy pumps.

“That saves us about $90,000,” Howard said. “I think it’s going to work out well.”