
LIVING ON PURPOSE: Our grass is greener than we think

By Billy Holland Living On Purpose I really appreciate readers who send me emails and hand-written letters, they ...


LIVING ON PURPOSE: Surrendering our will is not an option

By Billy Holland Living On Purpose I was asked recently if being born again was the same thing ...

Billy Holland image

Living On Purpose

LIVING ON PURPOSE: And I know He watches me

By Billy Holland Living On Purpose I was working out in the yard the other day and a ...

Billy Holland image

Living On Purpose

LIVING ON PURPOSE: A very present help in trouble

By Billy Holland Living on Purpose We are not even halfway into the year and our nation has ...

Billy Holland

Living On Purpose

LIVING ON PURPOSE: Dropping the stones, searching within

By Billy Holland Living On Purpose Those who have never experienced an addiction can seem unsympathetic and uncaring. ...

Billy Holland

Living On Purpose

LIVING ON PURPOSE: I once was blind, but now I see

By Billy Holland Living On Purpose Mankind believes his greatest achievement is to be free to live however ...

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